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The dirty secret sports retailers are hiding from you

BigBox Sporting Goods is hiding something from you.

Angry customers accuse them of producing shoddy products and poor service. Consumer Affairs gives them a 1 star rating overall. Review websites are filled with reviews from thousands of unhappy customers.

But that isn’t the dirty secret they’re hiding.

It’s about their products.

They claim their baseball bats are professional grade…

…When they’re anything but.

They aren’t the only ones. The vast majority of big box retailers and online sellers do the same thing.

Here’s the dirty secret about retail and department store bats.

You’re buying a reject.

You’re paying top dollar for a reject, a bat that wasn’t good enough to sell to professional ball players.

These bats are made from poor quality wood; they’re not held to the same rigorous quality standards that professionals demand.

And they get away with it

Because they think you don’t know any better.

Let’s say your bat breaks 3 days before the big game. If you’re like most people you run over to a big box retailer like BigBox and pick up a new bat.

“I’ll just grab something to hold me over.”

It’s a mistake that even semi-pro athletes make (though most would never admit it).

But why?

Don’t they care about their customers?

Why would big box retailers and manufacturers do that?

They do it for the money

Selling a massive amount of these rejects at inflated prices keeps their business going.

Which is bad news for you.

As we’ve seen in this course, your performance degrades when you don’t have the bat that’s perfect for you.

But it gets worse.

Poor quality equipment prevents you from playing your best.

Your performance degrades even further as the cheap bat gets dents and dings. Poor quality wood can’t stand up to the routine stuff.

These poorly made bats fall apart, cracking or breaking.

Retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers are in on it

The big players in our industry know the game. They believe customers are too stupid to know any better.

But you’re not, are you?

So far we’ve covered wood. What to look for, when to use it, etc. We’ve shown you why it’s important to find the right bat.

We haven’t shown you how.

So it’s time to shift gears a little bit.

We’re going to show you how to find the perfect bat. What to look for, how you decide and more.

Our goal is simple.

Help you become an amazing player.

The kind that players and coaches fight over. The one that everyone wants on their team because they know you’ll deliver game winning results.

Sound good?

Stay tuned for my next post.


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